How it works
1.2 Review the basics of recommender
2. Evaluating Recommender system
- Stochastic Gradient Descent(SGD) 随机梯度下降
- Binary classification: Logistic loss function + SGD
- Multiclass classifiction: Multinomial logistic loss function + SGD
- Regression: Linear regession(squared loss fucntion + SGD)
- Learning rate
- Model size
- Number of passes
- Data shuffling
- Regularization
1.3 Steps in Machine Learning
- Prepare data
- Create a trainging datasource
- Create an ML model
- Review the ML model's predictive performance
- Use the ML model to generate predictions
- Clean up
2. Binary Model
2.1 Exploring dataset
2.2 Predict Response to a Marketing offer
2.3 Prepare data

2.4 Create a datasource
2.5 Confirm schema
2.6 Create a binary classification Model

2.9 Use the ML Model to Gernaerate Predictions
- Realtime: for a single observation
- Batch: for a group observation
2.10 Create batch predictions
3. Multiclass Model
3.1 Exploring Multiclass model data set
这个例子里,我们用森林覆盖率作为例子,做一个训练 CoverType:森林覆盖的情况
3.2 Multiclass model data preparation
4. Regression Model
这个例子中,我们使用了house pricing的data,来预测房价
4.1 Exploring regression model data set
so we're given almost 80 different features including things like the number of
If we didn't have a zero-centered bell-shaped curve, then there's some definite error with the model's prediction and we might then try and add some more features to our model, so in the example of house prices, we might try and include new features such as the say the area of the garden or does the house have under floor heating or the energy rating of the house and we'll use these to try and determine what is not being captured by our model. 
4.6 Regression batch perdictions
- ML model for batch prediction
- data for prediction
- Batch prediction results
- review
Other methods
- Sagemaker
- AWS Deep Learing AMI(CPU, and GPU) » for deep learning
- Apache MXNet
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