XAI: Explainable AI
Humans and Machines Have different Strength and Weaknesses
The Case for Human Machine Collaboration
- no - Deploy Model ![Deploy Model](/img/ML_Debiasing_AI/02/deploy_model.png)
- Machine Learning process
- Obtian Data
- Prepare Data
- Outsouring it to Amazon Mechanical Turk
- Train Model
- Learing Algorithm
- Loss Fucntion
- SGD (確率的勾配降下法)
- Optimization technique
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='sgd')
- Taring is also an iteration process.
- Evaluate Model
- Epoch
- valication_score
- quality_metric
- Epoch: Loss improved. Updating best model
- Epoch
- Deploy Model
- Integrate it with APP
- Inspect and visualize data
- Prepare the data
- Training the model
- Deploy the model
3. Deploying and Testing the Model via DeepLens
- What is DeepLens
- Deploy model to AWS DeepLens
- we can use the same way to depoly our model to iOS, Mac using CoreML
- Extend AWS DeepLens
- Retrieve attibutes via AWS Rekognition
- Invoke the crime model
- Set up model alerts
- Explaining the Model
- What is explainable AI
- Trust and transparency issues
- Making algorithms explainable